Sakrant and I were married at an early age. It was an arranged marriage but I had liked the first time I met him. Good vibes and all. Our parents would have sent us anywhere for our honeymoon which is just a better way of saying having sex way from family. We however being nature lovers prefered to be somewhere quiet and less crowded. Internet search brough us to Hotel Canopy. I will not write the address of the hotel here as I do not want anyone to travel there. 

Hotel Canopy was a large factory converted into a resort for nature lovers in the jungle. This use to be a factory that procesed timber and later closed down so someone bought it and converted into an eco tourism destination. At least the website said so. The photos were breathtaking. 

The only downside was that it was away from rest of the civilization. The food was provided by the hotel staff three times a day and the website mentioned that it was off season right now and they were short staffed. But for a honeymoon couple that was not neccessarily a bad thing. 


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